27 September 2023 35194

First of all, open the downloaded application firafollower and accept the privacy policies that are required to be accepted before login.

Once you accepted the privacy policies, choose a preferred login method from below.

Usually, many people prefer to choose new method for login, if the other one is not working.

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Once you reach this page by selecting the above one, fill up the given boxes by entering your username and password.

Before entering username and password, make sure your fake Instagram account is not restricted or private.

Once you confirm the above-mentioned things, just click on the Log In button.

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It is up to you to log in with the new login or the old one, this is optional, but we suggest you choose the new login.

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You must enter your username and password of your fake account

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Wait for the settings to be implemented on your account in this section so that you can be less limited by Instagram

After that, you will come to the dashboard, and you will get (10+ coins) as a login bonus (If offers are available) as you can see in the image below. Since it is a coin-based application, you need to collect coins first before gaining followers.

To collect coins, go to the (Get Coin) option, which is given below, and tap on (Follow +1) button.

On each tap, you will receive +1 coins

There is no limit; you can tap on the given button for unlimited time and collect unlimited coins by clicking.

Download the latest version of Firafollower

  • Visit the rest of the tutorials

At the end of this article, we will learn how to convert these coins into real followers.

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Once you have collected lots of coins, go to the (Home) section, and choose the (Order For Others) option.

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After that, enter the targeted friends or your username on which would you like to convert recently collected coins.

After entering the username in the given section, click on the (Search) button.

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After searching for your username, you will see your account, tap on your account and enter the request page .

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Now you can order followers or order likes and comments or order scene stories and like stories .

In the next versions, you can save the post view for reel and we will add all the things that Instagram adds in the order section of the Firafollower program.

Download the latest version of Firafollower

  • Visit the rest of the tutorials

After that, choose the real followers quantity based on coins. If you have 1000+ coins, then you can increase 500+ followers .

If you have more than 1000 coins, then choose the follower limit accordingly.

After selecting the follower’s quantity, just click on the (Order) button.

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Now you have placed your order, you can see more tutorials and receive free coins or receive points through the gift code on the site.

Firafollower allows you to start collecting points with several accounts and transfer all the points you have collected to one account so that you can order follower likes or…

Below, you can download the latest version of the Firafollower program by clicking on download, and we are trying to fix all the errors in the program in the new versions so that we can provide one of the best among users.

After entering the Fira Follower app, you can have access to unlimited followers, along with your followers, you will have access to likes, comments, and story views.

Fira Follower is one of the follower programs that has several years of experience in the field of Instagram.
Note that if you do not follow Instagram’s algorithm, your account will be restricted

Firafollower is your favorite Instagram follower